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© The Silent Injury, 2021

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Why We Created The Silent Injury.

The TSI Mentality.

Physical Wellness.


Mental Health Awareness.


The Mission - TSI


TSI commits to highlighting real moments, rather than the “best” moments. Many members of this community are struggling to find themselves and their purpose due to upbringing, environments, and trauma.



Love is the universal language that challenges, but also provides grace. It uplifts and provides stability. Healing cannot happen without Love. TSI reflects visions of Love by modeling authenticity, acts of kindness, compassion and vulnerability to its counterparts.

Emotional Regulation

Emotional Regulation

When used correctly, the mind can be a powerful tool used to create life. Simple thoughts can cultivate deep emotions, strong actions, and patterned behaviors.  Lack of fulfillment occurs when one does not have control of the consciousness behind emotion and behavior. TSI’s goal is to break cycles of downfall, by providing assurance of critical thinking and a decision-making skill-set.



Instead of focusing on that which divides society, we choose to highlight the connection. Pain, suffering, loss, grief, acceptance, loneliness, understanding and many other attributes ties people together. Stories may be different, but the need for connection remains. All have faced levels of extremes, but these moments make one human.

About Us

Learn More About The Silent Injury.


A campaign committed to helping athletes

and the community be as authentic as possible.

We Provide the Help & Resources you Need.

What Our Affiliated Athletes Say...

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